Taking Care of Pets This Winter

With the cold weather bearing down on us, it can be hard to find time to take care of ourselves. But the truth is that caring for our pets is just as important, especially during the winter when they are more vulnerable to illnesses. This blog post will teach us how to keep our pets healthy and happy all winter!

Pets and the Cold Months

Our pets need extra care to keep them comfortable when the weather outside gets cold. Here are a few things to keep in mind when caring for our pet during the cold months:

Bring Them Inside

This is probably the most important thing we can do for our pets during the winter. Pets left outside are at risk for frostbite and other weather-related injuries. If we can’t bring them inside, ensure they have a warm, dry place to shelter them from the elements.

Keep Them Dry

Wet fur doesn’t do an excellent job of insulating against the cold, so it’s essential to keep our pet’s fur dry. When they come in from the cold, give them a towel rubdown to remove any snow or ice. And if they’ll let us brush their fur regularly to help remove any dead hair that could trap moisture.

Protect Their Paws

The pads of our pet’s feet are sensitive to the cold and can quickly get cracked and sore. Invest in some dog booties or cat socks to help protect their paws when they’re outside. And be sure to wipe their paws off with a towel when they come back inside to remove any salt or chemicals that could irritate their skin.

Give Them Extra Food and Water

Pets burn more calories trying to keep warm in the winter, so it’s best they are given more food and water than usual. 

Winter Hazards for Our Pet

As the weather gets colder, we must take extra care of our pets. Here are some winter hazards to be aware of:

Ice and Snow

Ice and snow can be dangerous for our pets if they’re not used to them. If we take them outside, ensure they wear proper footwear to prevent slips and falls. Also, keep an eye on them around bodies of water as they can easily fall through ice that’s thinning out.


Antifreeze is sweet-tasting and appealing to animals, but it’s also very toxic. Even a tiny amount can be deadly, so clean up any spills immediately and keep them out of reach.

Deicing Products

Deicing products contain chemicals that can be harmful to our pets if ingested. Be sure to keep them away from areas our pet has access to, and clean up any spills immediately.

Cold Weather Injuries

Pets can suffer from frostbite or hypothermia in frigid weather, so it’s essential to bring them inside if the temperature drops too low. Keep an eye out for signs of hypothermia, such as shivering, lethargy, and difficulty breathing. See veterinary care immediately if we notice any of these symptoms. 

Snowballs and Ice Balls

Snowballs and ice balls can form on our pet’s fur, which can be uncomfortable and even dangerous if they block airways or cause other problems. Be sure to brush off any snow or ice accumulating on their fur. Consider using a pet-safe antifreeze product to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Preventative Care for Pets This Winter

As the weather gets colder, we must take extra steps to ensure our pets are comfortable and healthy. Here are a few tips for preventative care this winter:

Keep Them Warm

Make sure our pets have a warm place to sleep, away from drafts. Consider getting them a pet bed with a built-in heater or placing a heating pad in their bed.

Check Their Paws

Ice and snow can be tough on our pet’s paws, so check them regularly for cracks, cuts, or irritation. Be sure to wipe their paws off after walks to remove any salt or chemicals that could irritate them.

Feed Them Well

A nutritious diet is even more critical in winter when our pet’s body works hard to stay warm. Ensure they’re getting enough calories, and consider supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids to help keep their skin and coat healthy.

Keep Them Hydrated

It’s just as important for pets to stay hydrated in the winter as in the summer. Ensure they have access to fresh water and consider investing in a water fountain to encourage them to drink more.

Visit the Vet

If we haven’t already, schedule an appointment for our pet to get a wellness exam and vaccinations before the cold weather hits. This will help ensure they’re in tip-top shape to face the winter months ahead! 

Winter is Coming, Best to Prepare Our Pets

When it comes to taking care of our pets during winter, there are a few extra things we should keep in mind. Ensure they have a warm, comfortable place to sleep and access fresh water. 

Give them extra food to help them stay warm, and consider getting them a pet-safe salt lamp to help with any dryness or itchiness they may experience. Most importantly, ensure we spend quality time with our furry friends – they’ll appreciate the extra attention!

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