Can You Get a Service Dog for Depression?

A certified service dog can greatly benefit the mental and emotional well-being of those suffering from depression. Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are specially trained to support those with mental health issues, allowing people suffering from depression to function on a higher level, and giving them the ability to perform daily tasks that other people may not struggle to do alone. There are, however, some limitations that limit people from getting a service dog. Read on to find out more.

How do service dogs help?

Service dogs can perform a variety of tasks that help those with depression. This can include fetching the phone, picking up the post, or providing emotional support during anxiety or panic attacks. In many countries, service dogs are legally allowed in public spaces, such as restaurants, shops, and airports, meaning they can continue their duties no matter where they are. Although a service dog’s main duty is to provide emotional support, they can also be trained to alert a handler to fire alarms, oncoming cars, or other potentially dangerous situations. Those with depression typically have slower response times to danger, so a service dog can literally save their life. 

What qualifications are needed?

 An animal that is individually taught to accomplish tasks or execute duties for a person with a disability is considered a service animal under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). They must be trained to a high level and pass exams to qualify as service dog, after which they will receive an official certificate to prove their capabilities. However, they can only assist with duties that are directly related to the impairment. This means that a service dog trained to support those with depression cannot also assist someone with a physical disability such as blindness or deafness. To do this, dogs need additional specialist training.

Can other animals be service animals?

Dogs and miniature horses are the only animals currently allowed to be service animals by the ADA. Dogs are the only animal that automatically qualifies for training, but miniature horses can be trained on an individual basis, depending on the handler’s needs. These animals are chosen for their ability to recognise human emotions, which is vital for supporting people with depression. Other animals are either not as emotionally capable or would be impractical, or dangerous in domestic and business settings.

How much does a service dog cost?

Unfortunately, service dogs are very expensive. The average cost for a well-trained service dog is over $5000 in the US, and it’s not uncommon for people to spend $10000 or more on their dogs. Service dogs are highly intelligent animals capable of carrying out complex tasks that even human children would struggle to do. Similarly, their emotional intelligence is so high that they can recognise a depressive episode or anxiety attack within seconds, or even detect them before the handler has even shown symptoms. The training this requires is incredibly specialised and lasts for around 50 weeks, so as a result, much of the cost pays for the training the dog has received.


Service dogs undoubtedly play an important role for millions of people with depression. They assist with day-to-day tasks, giving the handler the ability to keep going. Depressive episodes can make it impossible for people with depression to function, with some episodes lasting for days and posing a risk to life. Service dogs are trained to recognise the symptoms of this in their human partner, and they’re trained to provide gentle encouragement and support.

Having a dog is a huge responsibility, and the benefits of a service dog can be life-changing. The bond between a dog and a human is not one that should be taken lightly, but for some, it is lifesaving. Dogs assist people with disabilities on a daily basis, and while they are trained to serve a particular purpose, their service does not stop once they graduate. Training a service dog requires time, money, and energy, and some people, they couldn’t live without one.

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