11 Healthy Snacks To Satisfy Your Cravings

How often have you found yourself craving a quick snack, only to struggle to find something both nutritious and delicious? We all experience those nagging cravings between meals when a healthy alternative seems out of reach. But you need not settle for a sugary or salty snack that will leave you unsatisfied. 

This blog provides 15 healthy snacks that will satisfy your cravings and nourish your body. Drawing on the expertise of nutritionists and chefs, you will discover easy, homemade snacks packed with wholesome ingredients. Follow our simple recipes and handy tips to make snacking more enjoyable while supporting your health goals.

What Makes a Snack Healthy?

For a snack to be healthy, it should satisfy certain criteria:


A healthy snack should be packed with nutrients like protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals that provide energy and help you feel full. Things like Greek yoghurt with granola and fruit, hummus and veggie sticks, trail mix, and cheese and whole grain crackers are excellent options.


The ideal snack has a balance of nutrients that will keep you satisfied until your next meal. Pairing a healthy carb with some protein or fat is a great combo, such as peanut butter on whole wheat bread, an apple with almond butter, or veggie sticks and guacamole.

Reasonably portioned

Even the most nutritious snacks won’t do you any favours if the portions are too big. A good rule of thumb for snacks is to keep your snacks around 200 calories. Some examples of properly portioned snacks include a small banana, 20 almonds, one cup of berries, or half an avocado.

Minimally processed

Choose snacks with just a few simple, whole-food ingredients. Stay away from highly processed options with lots of added sugar, salt, and artificial ingredients. Fresh or frozen fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cheese, and yoghurt are always great minimally processed choices.


For the healthiest snacks, choose options that provide hydration like fresh fruit, vegetables, and yoghurt. Staying hydrated is essential for overall health, metabolism, brain function, and energy levels. Snacks that contribute to your daily water needs are ideal.

In summary, the healthiest snacks are nutrient-dense, balanced, reasonably portioned, minimally processed and hydrating. Choose snacks according to these guidelines for optimal nutrition and wellness.

7 Nutritious and Satisfying Healthy Snack Ideas

Yogurt with Granola and Fruit 

Yoghurt provides protein and calcium, while granola adds fibre and fruit provides natural sweetness. Mix Greek yoghurt with granola and your choice of berries for a balanced snack.

Hummus and Veggies

Hummus is a protein-packed dip made from chickpeas. Serve it with veggie sticks like carrots, cucumbers and bell peppers for a crunchy, satisfying snack.

Trail Mix

Look for a trail mix with nuts, seeds and just a bit of chocolate or dried fruit. Nuts and seeds are filling and provide healthy fats, protein and fibre. Just watch your portion size, as nuts are calorie-dense.

Cheese and Whole Grain Crackers

High-quality cheese and whole-grain crackers provide protein, fat and carbohydrates. Look for a variety of cheeses like cheddar, Swiss and goat cheese and choose crackers with seeds or nuts for extra nutrition.

Avocado Toast

Mash half an avocado and spread it on a piece of whole-grain toast. Top with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Avocados provide heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and fibre, whole grains deliver fibre and B vitamins.

Dark Chocolate and Almonds

A one-ounce portion of high-quality dark chocolate paired with a handful of almonds makes a delicious snack under 200 calories. Dark chocolate and almonds both provide antioxidants and healthy fats.


Blend Greek yoghurt with fruit like bananas and berries, leafy greens such as spinach and kale, and milk (or a milk alternative). Add a scoop of protein powder for a balanced snack smoothie. Smoothies provide a combination of protein, carbohydrates and nutrients.

4 No-Bake Healthy Snack Recipes

Peanut Butter Energy Bites

These protein-packed peanut butter energy bites are the perfect pick-me-up when you need an energy boost. To make them, simply combine one cup of peanut butter, one cup of oatmeal, one-half cup of honey and one teaspoon of vanilla extract. Mix well, then roll the mixture into tablespoon-sized balls. Refrigerate for at least two hours before enjoying. These energy bites are filling, satisfying and packed with healthy fats and protein to keep you going.

Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits

A simple yet delicious snack option is a homemade fruit and yoghurt parfait. Layer plain Greek yoghurt, granola and your favourite fresh or frozen fruits like bananas, berries and peaches in a glass. Greek yoghurt provides calcium, protein and probiotics, while the granola and fruit add extra nutrition, crunch and natural sweetness. For extra decadence, top your parfait with a drizzle of honey.

Hummus and Veggie Sticks

For a savoury snack option, whip up a batch of homemade hummus or open a tub of pre-made hummus and serve with fresh cut-up vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, celery and bell peppers. The veggies provide antioxidants, fibre and various other vitamins and minerals, while the hummus is a good source of plant-based protein and healthy fats.

Trail Mix Bites

Make your own customised trail mix by combining nuts, seeds, dried fruit, dark chocolate chips and toasted oats or cereal. Mix in a bit of honey to help the ingredients stick together, then roll into bite-sized balls. Packed with protein, healthy fats and natural energy, these trail mix bites make an ideal portable snack to take on-the-go. Store any leftovers in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

In summary, these no-bake snack options contain natural, whole ingredients that provide nutrition for both the body and mind. Choosing healthier snacks can help boost your energy levels, satisfy cravings and allow you to make better choices at mealtimes. Keep a variety of simple ingredients on hand so you can easily whip up nutritious snacks whenever you need them.

Tips for Preparing Healthy Snacks Ahead of Time

Planning and preparing snacks ahead of time is key to satisfying cravings in a nutritious way. When hunger strikes, having readily available healthy options prevents you from reaching for junk food or overeating. With some preparation, you can ensure you have snacks that provide energy and nutrition.

Make Batches of Trail Mix

Trail mix is a perfect snack to prepare in large batches. Combine nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and a touch of chocolate or honey for sweetness. Store your homemade trail mix in an airtight container and enjoy it by the handful when you need an energy boost. The mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates provides sustained energy.

Wash and Chop Fresh Vegetables

Having washed and chopped veggies on hand makes it easy to assemble quick snacks and sides. Carrots, cucumbers, celery, bell peppers, broccoli, and snap peas all make great parings for hummus, guacamole, salsa or yoghurt-based dips. They provide crunch, nutrition and hydration. Chopped vegetables also make a great addition to salads. Rinse, dry and chop your favourite veggies, then store them in sealed bags or containers in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Make Your Own Granola

Homemade granola is a delicious snack you can prepare in large batches and enjoy for weeks. Mix old-fashioned rolled oats with nuts, seeds, coconut, dried fruit, honey and olive oil. Spread on a baking sheet and bake at 300 F, stirring occasionally, until golden brown, about 30 to 40 minutes. Let cool, then transfer to an airtight container. Enjoy with yoghurt or milk for a protein-packed snack, or eat by the handful.

With some preparation, you can ensure you have nutritious and satisfying snacks on hand whenever hunger strikes. Keeping healthy snacks readily available prevents overeating and provides energy to fuel your day.

FAQs: Answering Common Questions About Healthy Snacking

What qualifies as a healthy snack?

A healthy snack should satisfy your hunger while providing nutritional benefits. Focus on snacks high in protein, fibre, and healthy fats, such as:

  • Yoghurt with granola and fruit
  • Hummus and veggie sticks
  • Trail mix with nuts and seeds
  • Avocado toast
  • Cheese and whole grain crackers

Avoid snacks high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. These provide empty calories but lack nutrients.

How often should I snack?

For most adults, snacking 1-3 times per day in addition to regular meals is a good guideline. Listen to your body and snack when you feel hungry to avoid overeating at meals. However, be mindful not to snack out of boredom or habit. Snacking too frequently, especially on high-calorie, low-nutrient foods, can lead to weight gain and health issues.

Are snacks good for weight loss?

Healthy snacks can absolutely be part of a weight loss diet. The key is to choose snacks under 200 calories that satisfy you and tide you over until your next meal. Some excellent options for weight loss include:

  • 1 medium apple with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter (188 calories)
  • 3 cups of air-popped popcorn (93 calories)
  • 1 part-skim mozzarella cheese stick and 1/2 cup of grapes (140 calories)

In addition to watching your calorie and portion control, avoid snacks high in sugar, salt and unhealthy fats which can spike hunger and cravings. Staying hydrated and getting enough protein at meals will also help you feel full and reduce your urge to over snack.

Snacking in moderation at the right times of day as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle is perfectly healthy for most people and should not be seen as detrimental to weight loss or management when the right choices are made. The key is being mindful about what and how much you eat for your snacks.


With so many nutritious and delicious snacks to choose from, there’s no need to reach for junk food when hunger strikes. By stocking up on easy, wholesome snacks like trail mixes, smoothies, and fresh fruits and veggies, you can satisfy cravings and nourish your body at the same time. Making snacks at home allows you to control ingredients and portions, saving money while avoiding unhealthy additives. So next time you feel peckish, try whipping up one of the simple, satisfying snacks in this article. Your body will thank you.

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